The Spirit Room
The Spirit Room is a meeting place, created by artists for artists.
139 State Street Rochester, NY, 14614
Jacob Rakovan
Accessible Approach/Entrance
- Venue is at ground level
- Route of travel is slip resistant and at least 36” wide
- Objects can be detected by person with visual disability using a cane
Parking and Drop-Off Areas
- No accessible parking spaces marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility on State Street near entrance
- Parking lot behind the building off of Allen Street
- Five (5) accessible spaces marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility - four (4) spaces have hash marks for van accessibility
- Drop-off location in parking lot for paratransit user
- Rear entrance to building from parking lot has step so not accessible for wheelchairs - State Street entrance must be used
- Accessible entrance can be opened with 5 pounds or less pressure
- No automatic door opener
- Door handle no higher than 48” and operable with a closed fist
- Entrance has a least 32” of clear opening with at least 18” of clear wall space on the pull side of the door next to the handle
- Threshold edge is accessible (1/4” high or less)
Rooms and Spaces
- Aisles and pathways to materials and services at least 36” wide
- 5’ space for turning a wheelchair completely
- Obstacles are cane-detectable in circulation paths through public areas
Seats, Tables, and Counters
- Aisles and pathways between seating at least 36” wide
- Companion seating available by moving chairs
- Accessible counters for tickets and concessions with a 36” wide section and area of free space in front of more than 30” x 48”
- No elevator - venue has only one level
- Accessible restrooms with doorway at least 32” clear
- Door handles operable with a closed fist or less than 48” high
- Grab bars on the side wall of toilet
- 36” wide path to all fixtures
- Toilet seats not higher than 17”
- Faucet operable with closed fist
- Soap and paper towel dispensers not higher than 44”